Omaha Recycling Guide
Glass Makeup & Cosmetic Jars
Take to a Glass Drop-off Site

DO NOT place glass items in curbside recycling carts.
Take EMPTY and CLEAN glass makeup and cosmetic jars to a PURPLE container at a City of Omaha recycling drop-off site. Find locations at this link:
Glass Drop-Off Sites- Wipe or rinse if necessary to remove contents
- Labels and lids, including pump & spray tops, are ok to leave on
- Keep items loose and DO NOT bag
Important Note: Glass must be kept separate from other recyclables, and is NOT accepted in green-lid curbside recycling carts or mixed recycling containers at drop-off sites. Put glass in PURPLE drop-off containers only. DO NOT put boxes or bags into the PURPLE container.

Related Items: Plastic Makeup Tubes & Containers
Where Else Could It Go?
Contact the manufacturer of your specific beauty brand to ask if they offer a take-back or mail-in program for recycling old containers. Fees and shipping costs may apply.
The national company, TerraCycle, offers a paid program to mail-in and recycle containers from all brands of beauty products.
Did You Know
Not all containers are the same! Beauty products comes in containers of all shapes and sizes, and can be made from a variety of mixed materials like metal, plastic, and glass.
If you're not sure whether your item can be recycled, use the motto: "When in doubt, leave it out!" It is better to place an item in the garbage than potentially contaminate other recyclables.