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Omaha Recycling Guide

Plastic #7

Not Accepted

Plastic number 7

DO NOT place plastic items marked #7 in a City of Omaha curbside recycling cart or drop-off site container.

Place plastics marked #7 in the garbage, or search for your specific item in the Omaha Recycling Guide to see if alternatives are available.

Plastic number 7

Did You Know

Plant-Based Plastic Is Not Recyclable

Beware of greenwashing on labels. Some items labeled #7 are made from a mix of plastics and plant-based materials, such as corn or sugarcane fibers. These plastics are often labeled "eco-friendly," but this type of plant-blended plastic is NOT recyclable, nor is it compostable.

When in doubt, leave it out! It is better to place an unknown item in the garbage than cause contamination.

Learn More

Plastic #7 is a broad category that was created to include any type of plastic that does not fall under numbers 1 to 6 (PET, HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS, and PVC). Plastic #7 includes a wide range of materials, such as polycarbonates, polylactic acid (PLA), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), acrylic, melamine, nylon, and many others. Common items made with #7 plastics include Lego blocks, computer keyboards, takeout containers, eyewear, or 3D-printing plastics. The #7 category also includes plant-blended plastics.

Learn more about plastic resin codes #1-7 and what they mean at:

Plastic By The Numbers